NPTEL Local Chapter
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National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is a project of MHRD initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003, to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs. The main goal was to create web and video courses in all major branches of engineering and physical sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and management courses at the postgraduate level.
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Since 2013, through an online portal, 4-, 8-, or 12-week online courses, typically on topics relevant to students in all years of higher education along with basic core courses in sciences and humanities with exposure to relevant tools and technologies, are being offered. These are available at: From March 2014 NPTEL has been offering online certification for its courses, the highlight being the certification exam through which the student gets an opportunity to earn a certificate from the IITs. These are available at:
The enrolment to and learning from these courses involves no cost. An in-person, proctored certification exam (optional) will be conducted at Rs. 1000/- per course and a certificate is provided through the participating institutions and industry, when applicable.
NPTEL Local Chapters
To take this initiative forward and to encourage more students across colleges to participate in this initiative, SWAYAM-NPTEL chapter in colleges were set up under the headship of a faculty member of the college, as Single Point of Contact (SPOC). SWAYAM-NPTEL keeps the SPOC updated about all the latest NPTEL initiatives and gives him information to disseminate among the teacher and students. SPOC ensures that students are active in a course, are submitting their assignments on time and also helps to clarify the doubts they may have. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Berhampur is a registered local chapter in the SWAYAM-NPTEL.